Goal: The student can explain the phenomenon of heatwaves 


 Shortly, we will experience more heat waves than before. Heatwaves are considered to be one of the effects of climate change as you have learned earlier. In the upcoming modules, you will learn more about the effects of heat waves on health. 

To understand this, you need to have clear knowledge of the characteristics of heat waves. 

What is it, and how is it caused? This is the focus in the coming days.  This week you will go on a journey to discover the ins and outs of heatwaves. You will be asked to visit several websites, answer some difficult questions and watch some video clips. Enjoy your journey.

 This week’s work:

To gain more insight into heatwaves, please look at the following movie: 


You just watched the video clip concerning the nature of heatwaves.

The following website will provide you with more information about this topic https://scijinks.gov/heat

Please consider the given definition of heat waves in the material you have studied. To check yourself on the knowledge you have just gained try to answer the following 2 questions concerning the definition of heatwaves:

  • Do you think it is precise enough? 
  • Can you find other, and maybe better, definitions? Try to find out, or compose, a definition that in your opinion is the best.

Of course, there is more to heatwaves than just its definition. To better understand the characteristics of heatwaves check https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/types-of-weather/temperature/heatwave 

This should have helped you to find out why heatwaves do happen, and what the relationship is between heatwaves and climate change. In order to learn more about the difference between temperature and heat, and about ways to measure and to predict heatwaves, read this website https://ghhin.org/understanding-heat.

Finally, to end your journey look at this video clip: 

Heatwaves: how hot can it get?



 Knowledge check:

Make an infographic about the causes of heat waves. Be as complete as possible.



Chapter 1 paragraph 1.1. of the WHO report Heat and health in the WHO European Region: updated evidence for effective prevention (2021).




Other suggestions:





Waage J, Banerji R, Campbell O, et al. The Millennium Development Goals: a cross-sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting after 2015. Lancet 2010; 376: 991–1023.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση: Πέμπτη, 30 Ιανουαρίου 2025, 7:15 AM