Module 2: Effects of extreme heat (heatwaves) on health

To start with this module please watch the following video clip.


Welcome to the second module in this e-learning. In this module, the focus is on the effects of extreme heat or heat waves on health. In module 1 you studied the phenomenon of climate change. It has been said by many that climate change is a large threat to public health. Because climate change affects many factors of health: shelter, air, housing, drinking water or growth of food. It is expected to lead in the coming years to 250.000 deaths each year from malnutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress. Which will result in an additional 2 billion dollars for health care (source and additional information: Climate change ( 

Heat or heat stress is one major health threat related to climate change. The effects of heat mostly occur on the same day and in the following three days. By heat waves we mean a period of hot weather that lasts for a few days. In this module, you will find out that there is multiple evidence that heat has serious effects on human health. The effects of exposure to extreme heat vary according to age, underlying diseases, physical condition but also living conditions. Some people experience more negative effects than others. Older persons are a group who have a high risk of negative health effects due to the increase of the frequency and intensity of heat waves in combination with the presence of (co)morbidity. They belong to so-called vulnerable groups to heat and extreme temperatures. In this module, you will learn to distinguish the direct and indirect effects of extreme heat on health. Indirect impacts are for example disruption of infrastructure and health services or a decrease in air and water quality. Direct impacts are an increase of illness, death and hospitalization. Figure 2.1 illustrates in general the relationship of climate change, extreme heat and health risks.

Figure 2.1 Climate change, vulnerability and climate-sensitive health risks



The learning goals for Module 2 are:

1: The caregiver interprets the indirect health impacts of exposure to extreme heat.

2: The caregiver interprets the direct health impacts of exposure to extreme heat.

3: The caregiver can explain the mechanism of thermoregulation in humans to professionals, caregivers and the elderly. 

4: The caregiver knows which part of the population is vulnerable to heat stress

5: The caregiver can explain why older people are more susceptible to heat stress


Última alteração: quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2025 às 20:41