Welcome to the third module of this e-learning! In the first two modules, you have learned about the UN sustainable goals, about climate change and heatwaves, and the impact on health. The next step is to focus on interventions, starting with interventions that can be used on a micro-level. The agenda in the coming weeks is as follows:

W1: Interventions to reduce the effects of extreme heat  

W2: Interventions to prevent effects of extreme heat 

W3: The implementation of interventions 

W4: Exam and assignment

 The next 7 goals are formulated for you:

 1.      The caregiver appoints the different types of prevention

 2.      The caregiver explains the possible interventions to reduce the effects of extreme heat on health on micro level

 3.      The caregiver explains the possible interventions to prevent the effects of extreme heat on health on micro level

 4.      The caregiver can apply an intervention (mix) on a specific individual case

 5.      The caregiver substantiates the different possible interventions

 6.      The caregiver takes into account the conditions for implementing the proposed intervention (mix) in his proposal.

 7.      The caregiver knows which partners are necessary to develop and implement this intervention proposal.

 A short introduction to the topics of this module 

 There is substantial literature and good practices on addressing or preventing heat-related health effects. However, the literature on the evidence of these interventions is poor. At the same time, a lot is developed and being implemented at three levels on which one can address climate change-related health problems: at the individual level (micro), at the level of the building or the organisation (meso) and the level of the community/municipality (macro).  Besides these three levels, we also distinguish interventions aimed at the short term (to reduce the health risks at periods of extreme heat) and aimed at the long term (to prevent health risks at periods of extreme heat).  These distinctions are illustrated in the table below.






















It will be clear that every level and every term demands different actions from different actors. Another thing to consider is the question of whether one level and one term will suffice in preventing complications from heat waves. Maybe a combination of these levels and terms is needed, but how to decide which levels, and which terms to combine?  This e-learning is developed to invite you to consider challenges like this. 

 In this module, we will focus on the individual, or macro, level. You will learn about treating heat-related illnesses, and about prevention.

At the individual level interventions to treat illnesses related to heat are aimed at adaptive behaviour and the introduction of products that stimulate cooling. These interventions are dependent on the severity of the illness, as is illustrated in the table below.  


Source: Sorensen, C., Hess, J  (2022). Treatment and Prevention of Heat-Related Illness. In:  N Engl J Med 2022; 387:1404-1413 

 Treating heat-related illnesses is important, but maybe more important is to find effective interventions to prevent these illnesses. To prevent heat-related problems at all, but also to prevent the complaints from getting more severe. And, of course, interventions that can be introduced and used by people themselves, in their own houses. Such as: finding cool places, wearing light clothes, drinking enough/extra, cooling scarves, opening the windows at night and close them during days, staying inside the building, using shutters inside/outside, and looking after each other). Besides that, providing information and giving advice are important (preventive) interventions too. Neighbours, family, caretakers and care providers play an active role in all interventions as mentioned. These topics will be dealt with in the next weeks.

To gain more insight in these topics please take the time to perform the following tasks.


The first two sources are mandatory to understand the main topics: 

  • Sorensen, C., Hess, J  (2022). Treatment and Prevention of Heat-Related Illness. In:  N Engl J Med 2022; 387:1404-1413. gure 5 (page 29 WHO report) at this paragraph. 
  • Chapters 5 and 7 from the WHO report Heat and Health in the WHO European Region: Updated Evidence for effective prevention (2021). 

 Should you want to deepen your knowledge and understanding, you can also read the next text: 

Última alteração: quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2025 às 20:46