Module 3 Week 3: The implementation of (individual) interventions


Welcome to the third, and last, week of this module!

 This third module focuses on interventions on the individual level. First, you have learned about interventions on how to treat as well as to prevent complications from heat waves. Now it’s time to think about how to implement these interventions in real-life situations.


  This week’s work 

Before learning more about implementation, please read the case of Mr. Smith (see map with cases). Make a first plan for the purchase of a useful device for Mr. Smith. He is doubting between an air-conditioner and an evaporative cooler. He asks you to help him: what are the pro’s and con’s of these two devices? Please make an inventory for Mr. Smith, and write it down for him. Later this week, we will get back to Mr. Smith. But before doing this we will focus on an important aspect of interventions and that is the implementation of it.

Try to find out what could be the pro's and con's of the most used cooling systems, airconditioning or evaporative cooling. Click on the following dialoque cards to get an overview 

 About Implementation

When dealing with heat waves and its consequences for older people, just buying a device is not enough. It often requires some research, and balancing the (dis)advantages. Also, the capabilities of the end-user should be taken into account. Here, an implementation plan might be helpful. But before you delve into making a more thorough implementation plan, please read the text below.

Implementation is often defined as ‘the act of putting a plan into action’. There is a lot of literature about implementation, and the general belief is that implementation is more successful when its various phases have been processed more carefully. On the internet, you will find dozens of (workable) models which illustrate these phases. There is no such thing as only one good implementation model, but most of them have a lot in common. Some models are limited to the description of pro’s and con’s, whereas other models are more elaborate, and focus also on good research, budget planning, site assessment, purchase, installation, training and follow-up. Some other models focus more on who is needed, in what stage, and what should their contribution be like. It depends on the context, and your personal preferences, which model will work for you. Should the implementation work less well than you expected, then rethink whether you have chosen the right model. Maybe another implementation model would have been better.

 A good example of a usable guideline to help you with your implementation plan can be found on the website of ZonMW a dutch governmental organisation. Take your time to read it through it will give you a guideline for the steps you have to take when starting an implementation process. Besides that, it will provide you with some very useful tips. Be aware that this is developed for major projects. But it contains many useful building blocks for smaller implementation projects. 

Knowledge check 

You have learned about individual interventions, and about implementation strategies. To check whether or not you have understood most of this material: please read again the case of Mr. Smith. He is happy with the information you provided earlier this week and is now considering purchasing an evaporative cooler. He asks you to support him with this. You decide to make an implementation-plan, that will help him throughout this process. How would such an implementation plan look like? Please make one, and be as complete as possible.

In the menu below you can get some help on whitch steps to make in an implementationplan when you consider to purchase an eveporative cooler.


Última alteração: quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2024 às 21:32