Welcome to the fourth module of this e-learning! In the first three modules, you have learned about the UN sustainable goals, climate change and heatwaves, and health impacts. Also, you have learned about interventions that can be used on a micro-, or personal level. This module focuses on interventions on a meso-level. It will be more ‘organizational’ oriented. Remember that the distinction between interventions on micro and meso-level is not always obvious. The same holds for interventions on a meso- and macro-level.

Furthermore: to be effective interventions should not be limited to only one level. Combinations of levels are probably the best way to go!

  This is the global agenda concerning the meso-level for the coming weeks:

W1: Interventions to reduce the effects of extreme heat  

W2: Interventions to prevent effects of extreme heat 

W3: Heat health action plans

W4: The implementation of interventions 

W5: Exam and assignment

 For this module, the following goals are formulated for you:

 1: The student explains the possible interventions to reduce the effects of extreme heat on health on meso-level 

2: The student explains the possible interventions to prevent the effects of extreme heat on health on meso-level 
3: The student can apply an intervention (mix) on a specific organizational, or ‘building’ level
4: The student substantiates the different possible interventions. 
5: The student takes into account the conditions for implementing the proposed intervention (mix) in his proposal. 
6: The student knows which partners are necessary to develop and implement his intervention proposal.

 A short introduction to the topics of this module 

 Many interventions have been developed and subsequently implemented at the level of the building or the organization (meso).  Please keep in mind that interventions, regardless of the level they are focusing on, can be categorized in short-term (in order to directly reduce the health risks at periods of extreme heat) and long-term (in order to prevent health risks at periods of extreme heat).  While thinking about intervention mixes, please consider these intervention-characteristics:























You have learned that every level and every term demands different actions from different players. The first thing to investigate in this module is the amount and nature of all stakeholders involved on a meso-level. Think of: housing corporations, municipalities, businesses, residents associations, etc.

 So, in this module, we will focus on the level of building (meso). You will learn about reducing the complications by taking building-related measures. Also, you will learn about interventions to prevent the occurrence of high in-building temperatures.

 Finally, you will be asked to develop an adequate intervention mix for a self-chosen case.

 Lots of success!


Laatste wijziging: maandag, 15 april 2024, 22:28