Section outline


    KA220-HED-F8D51393, Higher Education
    Responding to Heatwaves in the Older People Ecosystem
    HOPE: MOOC for caregivers
    • This online course is specially developed for people who like to learn by reading short texts, watching video clips and by answering questions. This tool is meant for those who take care of older people in times of heatwaves: formal and informal. But also for everyone who wants to know what can be done in times of very high temperatures, how to stay cool, and how to prevent heat stress, this is done in a fast and accessible way.

     This tool is free, and when you finalized it, you can download a certificate, which is free also. To go through this course, and answering all questions will take about 30 minutes of your time. In case you have answered a question incorrectly, you will see immediately some feedback with an explanation.

    Should you want to gain more in-depth information about heatwaves, their causes and their consequences, there is a free e-learning that was built with EU support, meant for healthcare and wellbeing professionals: You can click on the link below to start the MOOC for professionals.

     To start with this MOOC scroll down to PART 1



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