Module 4 Week 2: Interventions to prevent the effects of extreme heat (meso-level)
Welcome to the second week of the fourth module of this e-learning!
This module focuses on interventions on the meso-level: interventions on how to reduce complications from extreme heat, as well as to prevent high in-building temperatures.
The goals of this module can be found in the introduction.
The focus this week is on possible ‘building-related’ interventions that will help to prevent the occurrence of heat-related complications. The former week focused on interventions with an immediate effect. This week is more directed towards preventive measures, that can be taken in the longer run.
You will be asked to inventorize interventions and measures that are proven effective, or promising. Since each intervention needs a different approach, you are asked to map all the conditions needed for a handful of interventions. Again, you might notice that the distinctions between ‘prevention’ and ‘cure’ are less distinctive than often thought. The same holds true for interventions on an individual level, and those on a building level.
This week’s work:
1. Please read the article of MA Kamal (W2-A1). After having read it, answer the next questions:
a. Summarize what is known about building-related passive-cooling measures.
b. Consider each possibility, and write down whether or not these are easy and quick to implement.
c. Then, please consider these interventions again, and estimate the total costs of each of them. In case you can’t find the answers in this article, please check the internet.
2. While you were surfing on the internet, you have probably come across more building-related measures that can be taken. Please write them down, including their pro’s and con’s. Discuss together which measures you prefer, and which not. Please use valid arguments.
Knowledge Check
To check whether or not you have understood the material presented in this week:
please read the case of the Residents Association LGRA Phase 2. After that, please make an intervention plan: what will your advice be?