
In the first part of this MOOC you have learned the effect of heatwaves on the human body and the healthrisks that come with it. As you have seen overheating can lead to serious health issues, especially in warm environments or during intense physical activities and with the ongoing climate change people will have to endure higher and higher temperatures.  This module discusses various effective methods for cooling down and keeping your body temperature under control. Understanding these methods can be essential for your own, your relatives and you patients well-being, particularly during heat waves or strenuous activities. 


Hydration is crucial for regulating your body temperature. When you sweat, the water evaporates from your skin and takes heat away, helping to cool your body down. Proper fluid intake not only prevents dehydration but also supports overall health by ensuring that your organs function properly. Aim to drink water regularly, especially during hot weather or when exercising.

Action Point: Drink a sip of water every 15-20 minutes when active in the heat.
NOTE: Drinking more fluids that usual is to be recommended in most cases. There is, however, one exception: people suffering from chronic heart failure. Even in times of high temperatures, they should be very careful with taking large(r) amounts of liquids. For them it is important not to  burden their heart too much.


H5P question or card: Why is hydration important on hot days?

- Answer: Hydration helps cool the body by promoting sweat production, which removes heat from the skin and prevents dehydration.



The right clothing choice is not just to make you look good and fashionably it significantly affects your comfort level in hot weather. Wear lightweight, breathable fabrics such as cotton and moisture-wicking sports materials that facilitate ventilation and sweat evaporation. Opt for loose-fitting clothing to enhance airflow and minimize heat retention. It is a common belief that wearing white clothing protects you better from heat than wearing black clothing. However, various studies show that this has little to no impact on body temperature.



Action Point: Choose loose, light clothing and avoid synthetic materials.

  H5P question or card

: Why is it important to wear breathable fabrics in the heat?

- Answer: Breathable fabrics help wick away sweat and reduce heat absorption, allowing the body to cool down more effectively.

 Cool Environment

Find yourself a cool or well-ventilated space. Air conditioning is ideal, but even a fan can improve air circulation and promote cooling. If you’re outdoors, try to spend time in shaded areas. This can significantly reduce the risk of overheating and provide relief during peak heat hours. In the next chapters we dive deeper in the different ways to cool down your living environment.

Action Point: Identify a cool space where you can take regular breaks.

  H5P question or card

: What are some ways to create a cool environment?

- Answer: Use air conditioning, fans, and seek shaded areas outdoors to help lower body temperature.

Reduce Physical Activity

It seems logical but one of the best advices you can give people during heatwaves is to avoid heavy physical activities in warm conditions. Plan intensive workouts or labor during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening. Always listen to your body and take regular breaks to prevent fatigue and overheating. If you have to do some physical activity make sure to drink enough and try to stay in the shade. Monitoring your exertion levels (light, moderate or hard) can help you stay safe.

Action Point: Create a schedule for your activities and take regular breaks.

H5P question or card

: Why is it advisable to avoid strenuous activities during hot days?

- Answer: It prevents overheating and allows the body to recover safely, reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses.

 Cold Compresses

A relatively simple method to cool down  is applying cold compresses or wet cloths to strategic areas such as the wrists, neck, and other heat-sensitive spots. This can help you to cool down quickly. These areas have many blood vessels close to the skin's surface, allowing the cold to enter the bloodstream rapidly. If you don't have cold compresses nearby, you can also let cold running water flow over these areas. This method can provide immediate relief from heat stress.

Action Point: Keep a wet cloth in the refrigerator and use it when feeling overheated.

  H5P question or card

: Which areas of the body are most effective for applying cold compresses, and why?

- Answer: The wrists and neck are effective because they contain many blood vessels close to the skin, allowing the cold to cool the blood quickly.


Take a Cool Shower or Bath

Taking a cold or lukewarm shower or bath is an effective way to lower your body temperature. The water helps cool your skin and promotes the circulation of cooler blood throughout your body. This is especially beneficial after spending a long day in the heat or after intense workouts. But there are some risk in jumping in a cold bath or take a cold shower when you are getting to hot:

Shock to the System: Rapid cooling can cause a sudden drop in body temperature, leading to hypothermia, especially if the ambient temperature is low. This is particularly concerning in situations where the body is still sweating.

Cardiovascular Stress: Sudden changes in temperature can strain the cardiovascular system, as blood vessels constrict quickly, which may lead to dizziness or fainting.

Muscle Cramps or Spasms: Fast cooling can contribute to muscle cramps, as muscles may not adjust well to the sudden temperature change, especially after intense exercise.

Thermal Shock: This refers to a rapid temperature change that can cause confusion and disorientation, potentially leading to accidents.

Respiratory Issues: Cooling down too quickly may lead to bronchospasm in susceptible individuals, causing difficulty breathing.

Off course when someone is overheated your first priority should be to cool there body down as fast as possible but considering these potential health risk, it’s way better to prevent overheating than to cool down to fast.




 Action Point: Plan a quick cool shower after a long day in the heat. 

H5P question or card

: What is the effect of a cold shower on your body?

- Answer: It lowers body temperature and helps cool you down after physical exertion.


Eating Light Meals

Consuming light, hydrating meals like fruits and vegetables can help keep your body cool. Foods with high water content, such as cucumbers and watermelon, are particularly effective. These foods not only hydrate you but also provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Action Point: Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet on hot days.


H5P question or card

Knowledge Question: Name some hydrating foods that are useful on hot days.

- Answer: Watermelon, cucumbers, and other fruits and vegetables with high water content are excellent choices.

Rest and Relaxation

Regular breaks and adequate rest are essential for allowing your body to recover and preventing overheating. Relaxation techniques such as meditation, slow and deep breathing or easy stretching exercises can help lower your heart rate and reduce stress levels. Taking time to relax not only helps with cooling but also enhances mental well-being.  Slow and deep breathing can help reduce stress and anxiety, contributing to a lower body temperature. Stress increases heart rate and body temperature, so managing your breathing is important for your overall well-being. Practicing breathing exercises can provide immediate relief from discomfort and help you stay calm in the heat. 

Action Point: Schedule relaxation time into your daily routine.


H5P question or card

: What are some relaxation techniques that can help cope with heat?

- Answer: Meditation, stretching exercises, and deep breathing techniques can be effective in managing stress and heat.


Replenishing Electrolytes

Description: During intense exertion or excessive sweating, important electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium can be lost. Consuming sports drinks or salty snacks can help replenish these essential minerals, which are crucial for muscle function and overall hydration. Keeping electrolyte balance is vital, especially in hot conditions.


Action Point: Keep sports drinks or salty snacks on hand during hot days. 

Maughan, R. J., & Burke, L. M. (2012). "Sports drinks." Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(5), 451-453.


H5P question or card

: Why is replenishing electrolytes important during hot days?

Answer: It supports muscle function and prevents dehydration during intense activity or excessive sweating.



It is essential to be aware of your body temperature, especially in warm conditions. By applying these simple yet effective methods, you can prevent overheating and maintain your well-being. Always listen to your body and take action if you experience symptoms of overheating.

To get an overview of the things you've just read, you can watch the video below. 



Last modified: Friday, 31 January 2025, 1:07 PM